SILENTTRINITY is modern, asynchronous, multiplayer & multiserver C2/post-exploitation framework powered by Python 3 and .NETs DLR.

Some of the main features that distinguish SILENTTRINITY are:

  • Multi-User & Multi-Server - Supports multi-user collaboration. Additionally, the client can connect to and control multiple Teamservers.
  • Client and Teamserver Built in Python 3.7 - Latest and greatest features of the Python language are used, heavy use of Asyncio provides ludicrous speeds.
  • Real-time Updates and Communication - Use of Websockets allow for real-time communication and updates between the Client and Teamserver.
  • Focus on Usability with an Extremely Modern CLI - Powered by prompt-toolkit.
  • Dynamic Evaluation/Compilation Using .NET Scripting Languages - The SILENTTRINITY implant Naga, is somewhat unique as it uses embedded third-party .NET scripting languages (e.g. Boolang) to dynamically compile/evaluate tasks, this removes the need to compile tasks server side, allows for real-time editing of modules, provides greater flexibilty and stealth over traditional C# based payloads and makes everything much more light-weight.
  • ECDHE Encrypted C2 Communication - SILENTTRINITY uses Ephemeral Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange to encrypt all C2 traffic between the Teamserver and its implant.
  • Fully Modular - Listeners, Modules, Stagers and C2 Channels are fully modular allowing operators to easily build their own.
  • Extensive logging - Every action is logged to a file.
  • Future proof - HTTPS/HTTP listeners are built on Quart & Hypercorn which also support HTTP2 & Websockets.

Getting Involved

Join the #silenttrinity channel in the BloodHoundGang Slack!

Call for Contributions

I’m just one person developing this mostly in my spare time, I do need to have a life outside of computers (radical idea, I know).

This means that if anyone finds this tool useful and would like to see X functionality added, the best way to get it added is to submit a Pull Request.

Be the change you want to see in the world!

As of the time of writing the most useful thing you can contribute are post-ex modules: this would allow me to concentrate efforts on the framework itself, user experience, QOL features etc…

To do this, you’re going to have to learn the Boo programming language (the Boo wiki is amazing and has everything you’d need to get started), if you know Python you’ll find yourself at home :).

Check out some of the existing modules, if you’ve written an Empire module before you’ll see its very similar. Finally you can start porting over post-ex modules from other C2 frameworks such as Empire.

Setup & Requirements

  • Python >= 3.7 is required.
  • Client & Teamserver have only been tested on Mac & Linux systems, however they should work on Windows as well.

If your running a nix system that has an older version of Python installed it is *highly reccommended to use pyenv to install Python >= 3.7.

For Mac’s, use Homebrew to install Python 3:

brew install python@3

Clone the repo and use pipenv to install the dependencies for the Client & Teamserver:

git clone
pip3 install pipenv && pipenv install && pipenv shell

Start a Teamserver, the default port is 5000:

python3 <teamserver_ip> <teamserver_password>

Connect to a Teamserver:

Note the wss:// (two s’s) in the URL which indicates an encrypted websocket connection (TLS), without this all traffic from the client to the teamserver will be in cleartext!

python3 wss://username:<teamserver_password>@<teamserver_ip>:5000

Alternatively, run without any arguments and connect to a Teamserver manually using the CLI menu:

~# python3
[0] ST ≫ teamservers
[0] ST (teamservers) ≫ connect -h
Connect to the specified teamserver(s)

Usage: connect [-h] <URL>...

    URL   teamserver url(s)

[0] ST (teamservers) ≫ connect wss://username:<teamserver_password>@<teamserver_ip>:5000


The documentation is a work in progress but some is already available in the Wiki

I recommend making wild use the help command and the -h flag :)


Marcello Salvati (@byt3bl33d3r)

Acknowledgments & Contributors

(In no particular order)

  • @C_Sto for helping me with some of the .NET ECDHE implementation details and keeping my sanity
  • @davidtavarez for making some amazing contributions including a cross-platform stager
  • @mcohmi a.k.a daddycocoaman, for being awesome and making code contributions including modules
  • @cobbr_io for writing SharpSploit which was heavily used as a reference throughout building a lot of the implant code & modules.

If I missed anyone I apologize, feel free to contact me via Twitter and/or Email and I’ll get it sorted out asap.

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